World Mental Health Day 2021
We are so excited to tell you about our plans for this year's World Mental Health Day (WMHD) on 10 October 2021 but we need one thing...you!
You may have seen the news article by Kamilah Mclnnis for the BBC, and the effect that receiving a Flower Bomb from us had on her day and her mood. Additionally, through our work with The Wellbeing Hub in Barnet, I know first-hand how a bunch of flowers can affect how you are feeling and coping. Given the current circumstances, we think now is a good time to show we care and that there is always someone there.
This year we are hoping to go coast to coast, and we are putting the call out to everyone, florists, supermarkets, media companies, and you to all join us in a mass national flower bomb campaign.
Simply create your own bouquet with an uplifting message like “Thinking of you”, or “Something to brighten your day”
Make sure to include the hashtags #KindnessBouquet and #WMHDFlowerBomb and add our tag @the_flowerbank on your note
Then leave your bouquet in a place to be found*
Photograph your bouquet in its location and post your image to social media, again use the hashtags #KindnessBouquet and #WMHDFlowerBomb and tag us in @the_flowerbank.
We can't wait to see your photos!
Don’t worry you can still participate if you don’t have social media platforms, just by taking part you will brighten someone else's day and that feel-good feeling will most definitely rub off on you too.
*Please remember to follow all current COVID-19 measures in place at this current time. If you want any further information please contact me here
"Thank you so much @the_flowerbank.for turning my sad day into a happy one.” Kamilah McInnis