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Battle of Barnet and Baskets!

The Flower Bank

On Thursday it was the 551st anniversary of the Battle of Barnet, a decisive battle in the War of the Roses and the only battle to be fought in London. We were asked to create a wreath and I really wanted to create an authentic medieval design so came up with a willow cornucopia full of red and white roses, bay, sage and rosemary. We had a great time foraging these materials and were blessed to find the willow as windfall from the willow tree outside East Barnet’s Food Hub on Cat Hill. On Good Friday we donated flowers and 35 baskets (a mere drop in our basket mountain) to Brookside Methodist Church’s first Messy Church. Messy Church is a new and different way of ‘being church’ and is based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. On Friday morning I met some extremely weary looking M&S staff who had been unloading pallets of flowers for days. The simultaneous occurrence of Easter, Passover and Ramadan wasn’t lost on the supermarkets and I’ve been begged to collect their inevitable surplus on Monday morning. Happy Easter, Chag Sameach and Ramadan Mubarak. Have a lovely week. Ursula

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