Last week I spoke to a flower distributor based in Huntingdon who supplies the supermarkets with flowers they import from Kenya, Ecuador and Africa to name but a few. One supermarket I deal with has reduced their order which I can vouch for as I’m picking up far less surplus. The British peony season was 2 weeks early and coincided with the Dutch peony season which has contributed to the shortfall in supply too. The long and short of it is they’d like to work with The Flower Bank but have to work out the logistics of our supply chain. In the meantime, a wedding from Claridge's has helped swell flower supplies as well as a late-night collection from OXO Tower on Thursday night. I arrived back home at 1.30 am on Friday morning and by 12.00 pm the flowers had been used with residents from the 3rd floor of Jewish Care’s Stella & Harry Freedman House. Ironically Mark (in the photograph) and his family had briefly owned Moyses Stevens in the 80’s! This Thursday I’m driving into town to Tobacco Dock to collect plant arrangements from a PWC event but I really need a more sustainable form of transport so I’m meeting my new Labour councillor on Wednesday to discuss Council initiatives. Have a great week. Ursula