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Slowly Moving Forward

The Flower Bank

Harold Wilson famously said that “a week was a long time in politics” so too the life of The Flower Bank. Slowly we are

re-starting some sort of service by

re-opening the shop on Wednesday afternoons as a garden centre, resuming flower collections from the supermarkets and providing a service to the community. On Friday I dropped lots of plants to Edgware Community hospital to help them turn a bleak area of concrete into a joy for recovering Covid-19 patients to look at from their ward’s window. Yesterday I made up several bunches of flowers (it’s been a couple of weeks so I was a bit rusty) to deliver to the bereaved and elderly in the area. Next week is Shavuot, the Jewish festival with flowers at its heart and I’ll be dropping off bunches to Lady Sarah Cohen House In Friern Barnet to help them brighten the home. Later in the week I’ve teamed up with Age UK to provide bunches of flowers for the elderly who are distancing and who are in desperate need of cheer. Even the young offenders who should be doing reparations are becoming green fingered and having a go at growing things from home. Gary, their reparations co-ordinator is keen for them to grow Scotch bonnet whilst I’m holding out for the incredibly easy and quick growing cress! Oh and in this heat our fridge has packed up, the compressor has broken and needs replacing which will happen next week. So, in the meantime it means I need the flowers to go out more quickly than normal - if you know anyone in the area who needs cheering up with flowers please get in touch - for your information I’m collecting a lot of peonies at the moment.

Lastly, I must mention that today is the last day to vote for your favourite miniature garden on Instagram @miniature_garden 2020 so please take a look. Next year I hope to hold it in the flesh.

Be safe. Ursula

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